BURNING PERMITS REQUIRED!! We are a rural-recreation community that is often at high risk for fires. We are dedicated to keeping our town, residents, visitors and resources safe. Please be wise when using fire for fun or function.
Need a burning permit? https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/ForestFire/permits.html
Simple steps to safe burning
Follow the steps below to conduct legal and responsible burning in the outdoors.
1. Get a permit: Obtain a free permit online or call 1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876). You can also visit an emergency fire warden or DNR office to get a permit in-person. Get a free burning permit online.
2. Check before burning: On the day you wish to burn after 11 a.m., check the daily burning restrictions or call the hotline 1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876) and select the county (county codes for burning permit hotline) where you plan to burn. Fire conditions change quickly, so it's important to check each day you burn to find out if burning is allowed, burning hours and any size limitations.
Check the daily burning restrictions.
Note the county codes for burning
County | Code | Spell |
Adams | 1 | 2326 |
3. Follow the rules: Follow the daily burning restrictions and fire safety recommendations listed on the permit. Make sure to have all the necessary tools to keep your fire contained. Lastly, make sure your fire is completely out before leaving.
• Safe Burning: Burn Responsibly or Don't Burn At All!
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• Incineración Seguro 911 is available throughout the Town of Monroe. We use Big Flats Fire Department. Non-emergency calls 607-562-3063. Primarily a volunteer department but have one paid EMT/driver on duty 24 hours/day. Of the 60-plus members, nearly 40 are qualified, active responders. Many are New York State certified medical personnel whose training ranges from Certified First Responder to Paramedic.
Special permits
Upon DNR inspection, special permits may be issued for burning outside the restricted burn times, land clearing and piles or prescribed burns exceeding the maximum size limit. Maximum pile sizes and acreages are limited by geographic area and indicated within the daily burning restrictions. Contact your local DNR Ranger Station or control dispatch office for more information.
Businesses or commercial entities
Businesses or commercial entities burning waste materials, including waste generated offsite by individuals, is not valid under this annual permit but may be eligible for a solid waste wood burning facility license. Contact the DNR solid waste specialist for your area prior to any burning.
NFPA’s Wildfire Division provides resources to residents and stakeholders to help ensure that everyone living at risk from wildfire has the information, knowledge, and tools to reduce their risk. For more information please click here!
Additional Links
Big Flats Fire https://www.bigflatswi.com/s/cc_images/teaserbox_1764285.jpg?t=1647023615